Friday Nov 12, 2021
Siren Soapbox Episode 51: Exploring Colors
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
In this episode, the Sirens dive into the meaning of their favorite color with the help of Trish McKinnley. We learned about chakras and mermaid energy and...well, just give it a listen.
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Siren Soapbox Episode 50: The Minimalists
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Let’s start by imagining ALL the days in a calendar, all those numbers, ALL 365 of them and then add 100 to them, so now we are into around early April of the FOLLOWING year. Picturing 465?? That’s a LOT! That is EXACTLY the number of things that the Minimalist 30 Day Challenge asks you to get rid of. Here are the rules according to theminmalsits.com, Anything goes, collectables, decorations, kitchenware, electronics, furniture, bedding, clothes, towels, tools. Find a friend, family member, or coworker who’s willing to minimize their stuff with you for the next month! Each person gets rid of one thing on the first day of the month. Two things on the second. Three things on the third. So forth and so on… whoever keeps it going the longest wins. You both win if you both make it to the end of the month. Bonus points if you play with more than two people. In a society that pushes us to have more to be more, to have the latest, get the most, to be on a never ending cycle of chasing material objects, how did the siren’s do on this challenge? Let's find out! Challenge of the week: Try the 30 Day Minimalists Challenge yourself! Let us know how it goes! #SirenSoapbox#SirenSoapbox #Siren #Soapbox #DiveIn #StayCurious #BeHappy #DiveInStayCuriousBeHappy #theminimalists #minimal #30daychallenge #theminimalist30daychallenge #bemorewithless #usethingslovepeople #minsgame #challengeaccepted #neverstopexploring #friends #discovery #why #selfhelp #self #MakeADifference #ChallengeOfTheWeek #Explore #Adventure #Challenge #GetOutOfYourComfortZone #Podbean #Spotify #Pandora #IHeartRadio #Audible #Amazon
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Siren Soapbox Episode 49: Ghost Stories
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Back in July, the siren’s got the unique opportunity to explore Bobby Mackey’s Music World as a private group. It is known for being the home of Hell’s Gate- today we are going to talk about what we discovered! We are proud to announce that we have our first official YouTube Video and it is about our experience at Bobby Mackey’s! Click on the link to check out our video evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DcABaN903Y
There was another group that investigated Bobby Mackey’s the same night we did- we have Over The Road Paranormal with us tonight to talk about what they experienced after we left… Did we rile up any ghost activity for them?? Thank you to our guests! Check them out at www.OTRParanormal.com
Challenge of the week- Explore paranormal activity in your area!
#SirenSoapbox #Siren #Soapbox #DiveIn #StayCurious #BeHappy #DiveInStayCuriousBeHappy #haunted #ghosts #Halloween #BobbyMackeys #BobbyMackeysMusicWorld #Paranormal #OTRParanormal #ParaAtlas #aintafraidofnoghosts #challengeaccepted #neverstopexploring #friends #discovery #why #selfhelp #self #MakeADifference #ChallengeOfTheWeek #Explore #Adventure #Challenge #GetOutOfYourComfortZone #Podbean #Spotify #Pandora #IHeartRadio #Audible #Amazon
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Siren Soapbox Episode 48: Bird is the Word!
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
We are talking BIRDS! As winter is approaching the region for some of our sirens, we are seeing a flurry of birds migrating or preparing for the colder season, so it is a perfect time to get out and observe one of the most diverse animal groups.
The challenge this week was to get out and try to identify 10 birds by sight and sound AND because it’s spooky season, we all watched Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 movie “The Birds”.
Our soapbox topic this week is to discuss your experience out in the field looking for birds and if you think The Birds had the same effect as Jaws.
Challenge of the Week: Get out and explore what birds live in your area!
#SirenSoapbox #Siren #Soapbox #DiveIn #StayCurious #BeHappy #DiveInStayCuriousBeHappy #bird #birds #BirdLadyDrin #Drin #birdnerd #TicTok #TheBirds #TheBirdsMovie #AlfredHitchcock #challengeaccepted #neverstopexploring #friends #discovery #why #selfhelp #self #MakeADifference #ChallengeOfTheWeek #Explore #Adventure #Challenge #GetOutOfYourComfortZone #Podbean #Spotify #Pandora #IHeartRadio #Audible #Amazon
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Siren Soapbox Episode 47: Bicycles
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Today’s topic was actually a challenge given to us through our website. Our challenge states- You gals love getting out of your comfort zone and exploring so why not merge the two? How about the sirens explore somewhere new on a bike? This can be a cruise in a new park or exploring a new part of town or as revved up as taking a mountain bike clinic and learning to ride singletrack! It is amazing what you notice when you aren't speeding by in a car but can cover way more ground than on foot. What say you sirens?.... So what did the sirens say??? Challenge Accepted!! We are not ones to shy away from a challenge, ESPECIALLY when it involves getting out of our comfort zones AND exploring!
Challenge of the week: Get out on a bike! Explore a new place in a new place.
#SirenSoapbox #Siren #Soapbox #DiveIn #StayCurious #BeHappy #DiveInStayCuriousBeHappy #bike #bicycle #riding #challengesubmission #challengeaccepted #neverstopexploring #friends #discovery #why #selfhelp #self #MakeADifference #ChallengeOfTheWeek #Explore #Adventure #Challenge #GetOutOfYourComfortZone #Podbean #Spotify #Pandora #IHeartRadio #Audible #Amazon
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Siren Soapbox Episode 46: Dear Celebrity
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
No matter what your opinion on celebrities may be, most of us at some point or another have probably fantasized about the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Some of us even idolize celebrities and put them up on unreachable pedestals. But celebrities are just like us, requiring relationships, friendships, and even romance. That is just what one author set out to prove in her book “Dear Celebrity: One woman’s search for love among the stars'' By Traci Langston. The book’s blurb starts with “What happens when a woman sends a fan letter to multiple celebrities, not asking for an autograph, but seeking a relationship? What would happen if they answered?” Well! The sirens were excited by the book and intrigued by this idea! Our challenge for this episode was to read the book and send out at least 10 “Dear Celebrity” letters in the similar vein as the author. Tune in to find out how it went!
Challenge of the week: Reach out to someone you consider a celebrity!
#SirenSoapbox #Siren #Soapbox #DiveIn #StayCurious #BeHappy #DiveInStayCuriousBeHappy #DearCelebrity #letter #TraciLangston #DearCelebrity #celebrity #book #neverstopexploring #friends #discovery #why #selfhelp #self #MakeADifference #ChallengeOfTheWeek #Explore #Adventure #Challenge #GetOutOfYourComfortZone #Podbean #Spotify #Pandora #IHeartRadio #Audible #Amazon
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Siren Soapbox Episode 45: The Artist‘s Way
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
The topic we are about to explore was brought to us by none other than Coral Tail Siren Renee. A few months ago, she told us about a 12 week course in “discovering and recovering your creative self” in the form of the book called “The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity” By Julia Cameron. This was published 29 years ago and there are tons of testimonials that claim that this book has changed their life for the better! How did the sirens fare? Let’s find out! Our soapbox is to talk about your experience with The Artist’s Way.
Challenge of the week: Take yourself on an artist's date and tell us how it went
#SirenSoapbox#SirenSoapbox #Siren #Soapbox #DiveIn #StayCurious #BeHappy #DiveInStayCuriousBeHappy #TheArtistsWay #Art #JuliaCameron #artistsdate #Morningpages #creativity #book #neverstopexploring #friends #discovery #why #selfhelp #self #MakeADifference #ChallengeOfTheWeek #Explore #Adventure #Challenge #GetOutOfYourComfortZone #Podbean #Spotify #Pandora #IHeartRadio #Audible #Amazon
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Siren Soapbox Episode 44: Celestial Navigation
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Since the dawn of human existence, we have been fascinated with the night’s sky. Some of our early ancestors even believed that the doorway to heaven lay in a black patch amongst the stars. While that might still be up for debate, we do know with certainty that the first official celestial navigation was in 9600 BC. And in 2021, the Siren’s received a challenge to take a Sailing class from John Connolly, so when we heard that fellow Siren Renee was taking an online class through the American Sailing Association, we had to dive in and explore the topic! The class is called Introduction to Celestial Navigation: Shamans, Shadows, Sextants, and Ships. Our soapbox topic is to discuss the class and how it challenged you.
Challenge of the week: Go outside and find the north star
#SirenSoapbox#SirenSoapbox #Siren #Soapbox #DiveIn #StayCurious #BeHappy #DiveInStayCuriousBeHappy #AmericanSailingAssociation #ASA #Sailing #CelestialNavigation #stars #navigation #neverstopexploring #friends #discovery #why #selfhelp #self #MakeADifference #ChallengeOfTheWeek #Explore #Adventure #Challenge #GetOutOfYourComfortZone #Podbean #Spotify #Pandora #IHeartRadio #Audible #Amazon
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Siren Soapbox Episode 43: Mur‘s Mystery Episode
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Welcome to our third installment of the Mystery Episode Series. Tonight, Mur is hosting our mystery episode. All we have to go on is our soapbox question, which is “How does it make you feel when your opinions are challenged?”. She also said that there is no right or wrong answer, so step outside your comfort zone's Sirens and let's explore how you really feel, remember this is a safe space.
Challenge of the week: Start a conversation with a stranger or a loved one. Let us know how it went
#SirenSoapbox#SirenSoapbox #Siren #Soapbox #DiveIn #StayCurious #BeHappy #DiveInStayCuriousBeHappy #TheBigBookOfQuestions #opinions #questions #book #neverstopexploring #friends #discovery #why #selfhelp #self #MakeADifference #ChallengeOfTheWeek #Explore #Adventure #Challenge #GetOutOfYourComfortZone #Podbean #Spotify #Pandora #IHeartRadio #Audible #Amazon
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Siren Soapbox Episode 42: Think Like A Mind Reader
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
There are logical explanations for the way our brain thinks the way it does and jumps to certain conclusions and that is what the Sirens are diving into this week! We each read the book “Think Like a Mind Reader: Improve your business, strengthen your relationships, and solve your problems” by Jonathan Pritchard. There are a lot of synchronicities between what we have talked about on Siren Soapbox and this book. We are going to dive into some of those and what practices we have taken away and put into our daily lives on today’s show.
Challenge of the Week: Practice your observation skills- draw something that is right in front of you and share on social media #SirenSoapbox
Jonathan Pritchard is a highly sought after consultant and speaker specializing in the area of applied psychology in life and business. His client list includes Fortune 500 companies like BP, State Farm, United Airlines, and more. He is the founder of the international consulting company "The Hellstrom Group" which has trained teams to improve their sales, negotiation, and presentation skills on six of the seven continents. His expertise comes from his background traveling the world as a Mentalist, a unique type of entertainer specializing in mind reading tricks. The applied psychology he uses on stage in Vegas, on TV, and online gives him an edge off stage as well. He is the author of several books focused on psychology, motivation, self improvement, and more.
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